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School of Social Work Continuing Education

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博彩网址大全的社会工作继续教育讲习班是负担得起的,并根据当前的情况提供信息 research and best practices in the field. Our instructors are leading practitioners 以及博彩网址大全社会工作学院的教职员工,他们带来了丰富的专业知识 and instructional experience to the workshops.

2024 Continuing Education Brochure (PDF)

Sessions and Workshops

博彩网址大全的课程和研讨会支持持续的专业成长和发展, 并使从业人员满足执照更新要求. Workshops are open 各级执业社会工作者,从事临床和宏观工作. 博彩网址大全校友和现任实习导师有资格享受特别折扣.

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2024 Sessions and Workshops

September 13, 2024-  维护社会工作者的自我:应对的道德和实践策略 with Compassion Fatigue and Moral Injury

Time: 9-noon

Modality: Zoom  

Presenter: Charles Franke, LCSW

*Meets Ethics Requirement

Learning Objectives:

  • 了解社会工作中可能影响我们熟练程度的独特风险和关注点 access to the use of self.  
  • 区分道德伤害、同情疲劳、倦怠和继发性创伤 随着这些担忧产生了与伦理治疗相关的直接担忧.  
  • 运用社会工作者自我的概念和多种评估策略 and connecting to their sense of self.

Course Description: 社会工作者的自我是使工作有效的主要工具之一 treatment and services of the populations we work with. Our ability to understand 我们自己的工作经验,处理这些经验,并应用这些经验 in helpful and ethical ways is paramount to our work. This incredible sensitivity 自我利用也会让我们感到同情疲劳,道德伤害,倦怠 and secondary trauma. 社会工作者有望为最困难的人提供空间 situations, and often, we are experiencing this exposure alone. As a result of this 困难时,要自觉,要利用支持和监督,做到知难而退 ensuring our compliance with the code of ethics is intact. In this training, we will 深入审视社会工作的自身以及它的所有应用. This 培训将讨论自我使用和建筑物安全保护策略 and value that sense of self as professionals.  
Bio: 查尔斯“查兹”弗兰克,LCSW,是社会工作学院的兼职教授 她是一个小型团体诊所Light Source的治疗师和临床主管 in Belleville, Illinois,  

他拥有 McKendree University的心理学学士学位和硕士学位 of Social Work degree from 博彩网址大全. Franke has been practicing therapy full time since 2007. 自从开始他的职业生涯作为一个治疗师,他一直与创伤及其 long-reaching effects. This work has included extensive work with all ages and all walks of life. 他擅长自我同情和东方思想的融合 philosophy into the therapeutic process. Chaz provides both clinical and reflective 监督临床医生在许多设置,以帮助进一步他们的能力发现 their voice in the field and maintain engagement in their work.   

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September 13, 2024-  Lethal Means Safety Training for Suicide Prevention

Time: 1-4 p.m. 
Modality: Zoom 
Presenter: Monica Matthieu, Ph.D., LCSW

Learning Objectives:  

  • 评估致命手段的类型和降低风险的最佳实践方法.  
  • 描述以患者为中心促进安全行为的方法的要素. 
  • 练习与客户谈论安全储存致命武器,如枪支 and poisons.  

Course Description: 致命工具是指有自杀倾向的人可能会使用的物品 crisis. 它们包括枪支、药物、酒精、阿片类药物和其他物质, ropes, cords or sharp objects. If an individual is in crisis or is having suicidal thoughts, these items can become deadly if easily accessible. Increasing the time 以及处于自杀危机的人与他们获得致命手段之间的距离 can reduce suicide risk and save lives. This session will provide an overview of the 退伍军人事务部(VA)保护It安全计划,该计划提高了人们的意识 教你如何保护自己和家人. Attendees 还将学习和实践致命手段安全咨询(LMSC)的技能,以病人为中心 通过协调循证建议促进安全行为的方法 with patients’ preferences and values.  
Bio: Monica M. Matthieu Ph.D., LCSW is an associate professor in the School of Social 在博彩网址大全工作,是阿肯色州中部的一名研究社工 退伍军人事务部(VA)退伍军人医疗保健系统.   
Matthieu从事与VA国家自杀相关的研究和项目评估 预防项目,在退伍军人事务部实施创伤治疗,以及改进评估, 对社会中有自杀风险的个体进行干预和转诊治疗 service and health care settings in the St. Louis metro area. 

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October 18, 2024-  促进与学生和客户的艰难对话 and Emotional Events

Time: 9 a.m.-noon

Modality: Zoom 

Presenter: Kenya Brumfield-Young, M.L.S., M.S.C.J. and Heather Lewis, M.S.W., Ed.S., BCBA

Learning Objectives:

  • 理解多偏袒的概念,因为它与群体动力学有关.
  • 理解主题分析的多层次,因为它与群体动力学有关.
  • 理解并阐明意图与影响的重要性 to group dynamics.
  • 在困难的对话中运用LARA来帮助别人更好地理解你 another’s position on issues.

Course Description:  人们经常在教室和其他工作场所遇到具有挑战性的对话, 特别是在一些引人注目的事件引发了情绪和强烈的公众反应之后. 本课程的重点是如何与学生进行对话并促进对话 其他小组与这些事件有关,提供有效促进的方法 them.  

参与者将深入了解基本的促进策略,如识别 群体动力学,采用多重偏好,并利用LARA来帮助导航 conversations. 这些知识将帮助参与者获得导航的信心 tough conversations and situations. 
Bio: Kenya Brumfield-Young, M.L.S., M.S.C.J. is an assistant professor and the internship 社会学院犯罪学/刑事司法项目协调员 Work at Saint Louis University.  
Bio: Heather Lewis, M.S.W., Ed.S., BCBA serves a dual role as the assistant director of field education for students pursuing their M.S.W. or M.S. A.B.A. degrees as well 担任博彩网址大全应用行为分析项目的临床教员. 她是一名社会工作者和持证行为分析师,在学校、家庭、 and clinic-based settings for over 20 years.  
希瑟开发和监督基于行为的项目,特别感兴趣 in supervision and training of future practitioners. She presents in local and national 涉及行为分析领域常见问题的讲习班和会议 and social work, including supervision and mentorship.   

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October 18, 2024-  创伤知情的方法与司法参与的个人工作

Time: 1-4 p.m. 
Modality: Zoom 
Presenter: Maria Morrison, Ph.D., LCSW 

Learning Objectives:

  • 阐明创伤在参与正义的个人生活中的作用.
  • 描述创伤知情方法包括什么,以及它如何改善健康和安全 outcomes.
  • 列出并评估与相关个人一起工作的具体创伤知情策略 in the criminal justice system. 

Course Description: 刑事司法系统尤其关系到数百万美国人的生活 those we work with as social workers. This workshop will present current research 关于慢性创伤暴露率高得惊人的调查结果 生命历程中所涉及的刑事司法系统和探讨为什么这些 matter to intervention with this population. It will then discuss the value of a trauma-informed 接近并提供在一系列环境中与这一人群一起使用的具体策略. 
Bio: Maria Morrison, Ph.D., LCSW, recently joined the faculty of 博彩网址大全’s School of Social 从事了20年的社会工作,现在是助理教授.   
莫里森还是非营利组织“平等司法倡议”(Equal Justice Initiative)的高级社会工作者 为受到不公正待遇的个人提供法律服务的人权组织 sentenced and challenging racial and economic injustice. The focus of both her practice 研究对象是经历过监禁的人的创伤. 

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November 8, 2024-   使用变化阶段模型概念化改进客户的最佳干预措施 Care

Time: 9 a.m.-noon
Modality: Zoom
Presenter: Craig Miner, LPC

Learning Objectives:

  • 识别和解释个人对变化的准备程度.
  • 根据个人的变化阶段阐明最佳实践干预措施 level of readiness for change.
  • Design stage-based intervention-driven treatment plans. 

Course Description: 这个学习机会将为临床医生提供基础知识 能否使治疗干预与个人的改变准备程度相一致. 参与者将从简单地定义变化阶段转移到临床 利用这一通用模型制定基于阶段的最佳实践治疗计划 interventions. 虽然教学性质,时间将花在整合讨论 通过有针对性的体验活动来培养学生的技能. 
Bio: Craig S. Miner是一名持牌专业咨询师,一名认证互惠高级顾问 酒精药物咨询师,认证共同发生障碍专业-文凭 and a Medication Awareness Recovery Specialist in Missouri.   
他在行为健康领域有30多年处理物质的经验 use and co-occurring disorder populations. Craig currently serves as the adult outpatient program manager at Places for People. In addition, he works as an adjunct professor 在博彩网址大全教授药物使用障碍干预课程 and motivational interviewing. His true passion is to move Science to Service while 利用最佳和帮助同事变得更加舒适和自信 以证据为基础的实践,帮助我们所服务的人实现康复和有意义的康复 “happy” life goals. 

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November 8, 2024-  Motivational Interviewing

Time: 1-4 p.m.

Modality: Zoom

Presenter: Cassie E. Brown, LCSW

Learning Objectives:

  • 描述动机性访谈的基本理论和原则.
  • 学习和整合基本技能,以良好的保真度实践MI.
  • 分析临床情况,识别MI理论、技术的适当应用; and skills. 

Course Description: 动机性访谈是一种干预,在广泛的范围内有效 环境,包括综合行为健康,物质使用障碍治疗, and many stages of psychotherapy. This continuing education opportunity moves participants 从对动机性访谈一无所知到对潜在的深刻理解 theory of this evidence-based intervention. Participants will learn basic skills, 在场景中应用它们,甚至应用开源工具来识别关键标记 of fidelity of this intervention. 
Bio: Cassie E. Brown, LCSW, is the executive director of NASW-MO.  
卡西在心理健康方面的工作包括对儿童和家庭进行家庭治疗, 在一家公立精神病院工作,与患有精神疾病和物质的成年人一起工作 use, and outpatient therapy at a substance use disorders clinic. Her social work has included adjunct teaching, program development, and evaluation. She has provided continuing 十多年来的教育主题包括自我照顾,同情疲劳,监督, LGBTQ+客户,物质使用障碍,以及精神疾病的耻辱. Her work 在NASW-MO工作时,她发现她热情地倡导社会工作和那些被召唤的人 serves.  

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Planning to Attend a Workshop

The following details apply to all workshops:

Location and Parking
Courses are held at Il Monastero, 3050 Olive Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63101, unless otherwise noted. 大楼前有免费的路边停车场,也有收费的 parking along Olive Blvd. Participants are encouraged to arrive early to ensure parking.
Cancellation Policy
至少在5个工作日前取消注册,可以全额退款 the first day of the registered program. For information about possible cancellation due to inclement weather, call 314-977-SNOW (314-977-7669). If a session is canceled, all paid registrants will receive a full refund.
Accommodations & Additional Information


博彩网址大全是密苏里州和伊利诺伊州的注册社会工作继续教育赞助商, license number 159.000573.