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博彩网址大全全国排名的卫生管理硕士课程培养学生成为各种医疗机构(如医院)的领导者, health systems, insurance companies, 药品福利管理组织, 咨询公司和医师组织.

自1947年以来,博彩网址大全一直是健康管理教育的先驱. 发展以能力为基础和实践结合的教育的领导者, our spirit of innovation endures as we continually develop new options for students to explore health administration. 加入我们,继续我们卓越的教学使命, 未来75年的研究和服务.

从首要的学习经验和专业发展暴露, to the faculty and staff who pour their entire hearts into helping students reach their full potential, 能成为这个项目和家庭的一员,我感到很幸运. I will be taking all my experiences and training with me to my fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, and I look forward to remaining connected to the program and pouring back into it any way I can!" 

-Michalia Dix, M.H.A. Class of 2022

Program Highlights

  • The 卫生管理硕士.H.A. 工商管理硕士.B.A. or 卫生管理硕士.H.A. and Law, J.D. 双学位课程允许你在短时间内获得两个学位.
  • 工作的专业人员可以在不到一年的时间内获得卫生保健质量和绩效卓越证书,并可以选择将其应用于M.H.A. program. 
  • 住宿和在线/混合选项可供选择. 追求最适合你的选择. 
  • Our competency-based model focuses on how you will apply your skills rather than simply what you learn in class. 
  • About 97% of our recent graduates were beginning full-time careers in their fields, starting fellowships or seeking further graduate education within 90 days of graduation.
  • Earn a certificate in health care quality and performance excellence at no additional cost.
  • 多个重点领域是可用的. 
  • 我们领先的实习项目为您的职业生涯做好准备. 

Curriculum Overview

作为美国最知名的M.H.A. programs, 博彩网址大全's M.H.A. connects students to a coast-to-coast network of internship sites and alumni working in senior leadership positions. 该计划是三重认证:M.H.A. program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME); the 公共卫生和社会正义学院 is accredited by 公共卫生教育委员会 (CEPH); and Saint Louis University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). 

课程的基础是博彩网址大全的胜任力模型, 在卫生保健教学法向以能力为基础的教育转变的早期先驱, 也是CAHME认证的基石. A competency-based health care management education is focused not simply on the lectures you hear or writing papers, but on what y你毕业后就可以做专业人士了.  


博彩网址大全的课程为学生提供实践结合的教育, 包括与许多国家顶级卫生系统和卫生保健组织的高级领导进行为期10周的实习. Internship experiences are based on students' individual goals, objectives and preferences. 学生被转变为知识渊博的人, ethical professionals prepared for a range of management careers across the health sector. 应用性强、实践性强的项目是专业成长的重要手段. 除了项目第一年和第二年的实习, 学生将在整个课程中完成多个应用项目.


  • St. 路易斯儿童医院
  • SSM Medical Group
  • Centene
  • Cleveland Clinic
  • UC Health
  • Hartford Healthcare
  • Northwestern Medicine
  • HealthScape Advisors
  • MA General Hospital
  • Anders CPAs & Advisors
  • U.S. 退伍军人事务部
  • UT Southwestern
  • 华盛顿大学. Louis


M.H.A. 毕业生在各种卫生保健机构担任高级管理职位. 校友在卫生和医院系统工作, insurance companies, academic medical centers, physician practices, 咨询公司和福利管理机构, such as Express Scripts.

The 2023 class had a 100% graduation rate and 90 percent of graduates secured full-time careers in their fields, started fellowships or were seeking further graduate education within 120 days of graduation.


  • 研究生奖学金(39%)
  • 医院和卫生系统(20%)
  • Physician practice (e.g., medical clinic) (2%)
  • 基金会或志愿机构(e.g., RWJ基金会,红十字会)(2%)
  • Consulting (17%)
  • 非医疗行业就业(5%)
  • 继续教育(5%)
  • 不找工作或未知(10%)

Admission Requirements

申请人应具有学士学位,最好是3.00 grade point average. The GRE is not required. 应用程序在整体和滚动的基础上进行审查. 

Application Requirements

  • 申请表格及费用(网址 HAMPCAS)
  • Transcript(s)
  • 三封推荐信
  • Resume/curriculum vitae
  • 面试(校内面试优先, but phone or Zoom options are available for situations where travel to 博彩网址大全 is not feasible)
  • 职业目标陈述


All admission policies and requirements for domestic students apply to international students. 国际学生还必须满足以下额外要求:

  • Demonstrate 英语语言能力
  • 财务文件需要完成博彩网址大全申请,并被审查博彩网址大全和优秀奖学金. 
  • 经济支持证明必须包括:
    • A letter of financial support from the person(s) or sponsoring agency funding the student's time at Saint Louis University
    • 保荐人银行出具的证明资金到位的信函,证明在学生在大学学习期间资金到位
  • Academic records, in English translation, of students who have undertaken postsecondary studies outside the United States must include:
    • 参加的课程和/或讲座
    • 实际实验室工作
    • 可达到的最高和最低分数
    • 所有期末考试的成绩或结果
    • 获得的荣誉或学位.


Application Deadline


Review Process

所有申请都将以平衡的方式考虑. 候选人可能会被邀请参加现场面试.


Tuition Cost Per Credit
Graduate Tuition $1,370

可能会收取额外费用. 其他资源如下:

Net Price Calculator


Miscellaneous Fees



The 公共卫生和社会正义学院 offers several ways to help finance graduate education.  Opportunities include a limited number of merit-based scholarships and graduate research assistantships.  奖学金颁发给在优先截止日期前完成申请的gpa和考试成绩最高的申请人.



博彩网址大全公共卫生和社会正义学院获得了公共卫生教育委员会(CEPH)的全面认可。. 要查看我们最新的认证文件,请访问 公共卫生和社会正义学院网站.


The Master of Health Administration is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education, 公共卫生教育委员会, 以及高等教育委员会.

CAHME Accreditation

博彩网址大全卫生管理硕士(m.s.H.A.)工作转化人才, 服务上进,学生见多识广, 道德专业人士准备在美国各地的一系列管理职业生涯.S. health sector.

为了实现这一目标,该计划依靠能力为基础的教育(CBE)。. In fact, 博彩网址大全's M.H.A. CBE项目有着悠久的历史. 2002年,该项目开发了三种国家认可的能力模型之一,此后被全国各地的健康管理和健康管理项目采用和调整.

In keeping with CBE, 组织课程和相应的学习目标,以满足整个卫生部门在卫生管理方面取得成功所必需的21项核心能力. 相似类型的知识, 技能和能力分为五个能力领域(领导能力), 批判性思维/分析, management, 文化和社区参与, and communication). 为了保持在卫生管理教育的前沿,博彩网址大全 M.H.A. program regularly reevaluates the model with the input of alumni and other health industry professionals. 

Leadership (L)

  • L1. Leadership Excellence: Demonstrate the abilities and behaviors that are characteristic of leadership excellence, 其中包括建立一个愿景,激励和支持其他人朝着共同的愿景和相关目标努力
  • L2. Ethical Behavior通过言语和行动展示道德行为, which include honesty, 正直和对正义的关注
  • L3. Social Responsibility优先考虑平衡任务的目标和政策, vision and values of organizational stakeholders with the values and needs of the community
  • L4. Adapting to Change评估不断变化的环境, listen to diverse viewpoints and propose effective responses that align with personal values and organizational mission


  • CTA1. Data Analysis: Apply appropriate methods and technology to analyze data patterns, trends and relationships
  • CTA2. Environmental Analysis: Evaluate political, economic, social, technological, workforce, 影响系统的法律和监管因素, organizations, 在卫生保健连续体的多个层面上的社区和个人
  • CTA3. Translating Complexity将复杂分析的结果转化为信息,以说明说服性演讲中潜在的问题和机会, meaningful way
  • CTA4. 循证决策: Assemble and utilize reliable and valid information sources and data to support informed, 以证据为基础的决策
  • CTA5. Systems Thinking:  Apply appropriate models and methods to analyze issues from a systems perspective and to design creative, 促进组织目标和效率的灵活解决方案
  • CTA6. Ethical Analysis: Identify ethical concerns in management and policy and analyze those concerns using appropriate frameworks and principles

Management (M) 

  • M1. Management Functions运用管理理论, approaches and core functions to routine operations and to current and emerging issues in the health care environment
  • M2. Teamwork: Demonstrate the ability to lead and work with people and teams to accomplish planned goals and actions on time, with budgeted resources
  • M3.  Essential Skills展示基本的管理技能, which include efficient time and resource management; conflict negotiation and resolution; coaching and motivating others; facilitating discussion, cooperation and consensus-building; delegating authority
  • M4. Adapting to Uncertainty:在不确定的条件下, 展示出高质量工作的能力, make decisions, 适应不断变化的优先事项,并从错误中吸取教训
  • M5. Systems Management展示部署组织资源和执行问责制的能力,以支持实施基于系统的管理方法
  • M6. Professionalism:展示卫生保健专业人员的行为特征, 这包括遵守职业期望, workplace norms and performance standards; engaging in professional and community service; and participating in professional development opportunities


  • CCE1. Cultural Competence在个人标准和实践以及组织的绩效标准和实践中建立文化能力, systems and communities
  • CCE2. Community Engagement*采用循证方法,促使社区和多层伙伴共同努力,改进健康和健康结果的可改变决定因素

Communication (C)

  • C1. Create Information能够迅速创造和组织有效的、定制化的想法和信息,以满足目标受众的需求
  • C2. Convey Information运用传统和现代的方式,演示正式和非正式的沟通,向目标受众传达清晰而有说服力的信息
  • C3. 人与人之间的有效性通过使用双向沟通技术,与内部和外部利益相关者建立积极的人际关系, which include listening and responding appropriately to the ideas and opinions of others; giving and receiving feedback; and participating in crucial conversations
Required Core Courses
HMP 5000医疗保健组织3
HMP 5030《卫生保健会计导论3
HMP 5110运行状况运营管理3
HMP 5130卫生信息系统3
HMP 5190健康管理的分析方法3
HMP 5200Health Economics3
HMP 5300卫生保健组织管理3
HMP 5340Health Care Marketing3
HMP 5390健康管理和政策中的道德领导3
HMP 5400卫生服务管理的法律问题3
HMP 5500Health Policy3
HMP 5700医疗保健财务管理3
HMP 5710卫生保健的财务方面3
HMP 5800卫生保健组织的战略管理3
HMP 5900健康管理和政策轮询(taken 3 consecutive semesters for 1 credit each)1
HMP 5910HMP Internship1
HMP 5950Special Study for Exams0
PUBH 5010全球公共卫生的使命与实践2
Total Credits60

Non-Course Requirements

  • 我们建议学生成为以下医疗管理专业组织的会员:美国医疗管理学院(ACHE), Missouri-ACHE, 医疗金融会员协会(HFMA), 医疗集团管理协会(MGMA), 和/或任何其他医疗保健管理专业组织.
  • 专精综合考试(HMP 5950 Special Study for Exams)在这种基于案例的终极体验中, students receive a health care business case and a short window of time to analyze it, 制定一个提案,并向一个小组展示. 这模拟了研究业务问题并向组织中的管理团队提出建议的真实工作场所经验.

Continuation Standards


学生必须在所有必修课中取得B-或更高的成绩. 选修课程可以以C或更高的成绩通过. 


指定为关键的课程和里程碑(用 !)必须在列出的学期内完成,以确保及时毕业. 转移学分可能会改变路线图.

This roadmap should not be used in the place of regular academic advising appointments. 鼓励所有学生每学期与他们的指导老师/导师见面. 要求,课程的可用性和顺序可能会发生变化.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
HMP 5000 医疗保健组织 3
HMP 5030 《卫生保健会计导论 3
HMP 5300 卫生保健组织管理 3
HMP 5190 健康管理的分析方法 3
HMP 5900 健康管理和政策轮询(Critical course:  Section 01) 1
PUBH 5010 全球公共卫生的使命与实践 2
HMP 5200 Health Economics 3
HMP 5500 Health Policy 3
HMP 5110 运行状况运营管理 3
HMP 5700 医疗保健财务管理 3
HMP 5900 健康管理和政策轮询(Critical course:  Section 01) 1
HMP 5950 考试特别研习(Section 01) 0
HMP 5910 HMP Internship 1
Year Two
HMP 5130 卫生信息系统 3
HMP 5390 健康管理和政策中的道德领导 3
HMP 5400 卫生服务管理的法律问题 3
HMP 5900 健康管理和政策轮询(Critical course:  Section 02) 1
Critical course:  选修课 3
Critical course:  Elective 3
HMP 5340 Health Care Marketing 3
HMP 5710 卫生保健的财务方面 3
HMP 5800 卫生保健组织的战略管理 3
HMP 5950 考试特别研习(Critical course:  Section 02) 0
Critical course:  Elective 3
Critical course:  Elective 3
 Total Credits60

The M.H.A. 课程要求修满上述指定课程60学分. 学生,谁完成所有的M.H.A. requirements by the end of year two, as scheduled are eligible to be awarded their M.H.A. 在第二年五月获得学位. 

Core courses in the M.H.A. 课程分布在以下四个领域: 

  • 公共卫生(公共卫生和社会正义学院)核心(PUBH): includes one 3-credit PUBH core course (= 3 credits) required of the College for all degree programs.
  • 卫生管理和政策(部门)核心(HMP): 包括四门3学分的HMP必修核心课程 and 一门0学分的必修HMP核心课程(共12学分).
  • 健康管理(MHA学位) 包括10门必修的3学分HM核心课程(共30学分)
  • 选修课程(ELT): 包括12学分的研究生选修课程, 包括HMP部门提供的研究生课程吗, 动物保护协会的其他部门或项目, 或大学的任何其他学术单位,不是M的一部分.H.A. 必修课程.

All full-time M.H.A. 学生必须在两年制课程的第一年和第二年注册并圆满完成三个学期的HMP-5900:健康管理和政策回合(学生将在第一年的秋季和春季学期以及第二年的秋季学期学习HMP 5900).) 

Internship: All M.H.A. students are required to complete a professional internship in health management during their course of study.

学生必须在第一年完成至少27个学分.H.A. curriculum (including both fall and spring semesters of HMP-591), be in good academic standing (i.e.我的累积平均绩点为3分.0或更高),并获得M的批准.H.A. program director and HMP internship and placement coordinator before enrolling in the internship program. This means that students may have no incomplete coursework before being placed in the field. 

大多数健康管理实习包括12周, 在每个学生最后一年的学术课程工作之前的夏季,与私人医疗服务提供者或其他医疗保健组织进行全日制安排. 实习由HMP教师安排, 与HMP实习和安置协调员协商, 谁将每个学生的经验和职业兴趣与每年可用的就业地点的性质和偏好相匹配.





Bernie Backer