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Project Management, B.S.

Learn project strategy, 在博彩网址大全专业研究学院提供的项目管理学士学位课程中,您将获得合同管理和项目管理数学的行业认证. 基于项目的学习和课堂模拟器将使您为促进PMBOK®中概述的五个基本项目管理过程的广泛适用性做好准备, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling and closing.

项目管理协会(PMI)已将博彩网址大全命名为注册教育提供者(R.E.P.). R.E.P.是PMI认可的组织,帮助项目经理实现和维护项目管理专业人员(PMP)®, Program Management Professional (PgMP)®, and other PMI professional credentials.

作为专业研究学院的一部分, 这个120学分的学位课程为像你这样的未来和现在的领导者提供了一个灵活的选择,以实现你的个人职业目标. With six accelerated, 每年由博彩网址大全在线提供为期八周的课程, 你可以在任何时候开始攻读学位, 让在职专业人士更容易接受高等教育. 


作为博彩网址大全专业研究学院的一名学生, 你会从杰出的教师谁是领先的专家在各自的领域学习. 他们把现实世界的知识带到课堂上,并致力于你的职业成功. Learn more on our faculty page.


跨多个学科需要项目管理技能, from technology to manufacturing, real estate to construction, and sales management to service. 项目管理协会预计,到2027年,七个项目导向型行业将新增2200万个就业岗位.


Tuition Cost Per Credit
Undergraduate Tuition
Standard Tuition $650
Active Duty/Veteran (TA eligible or GI Bill); First Responders $295

Additional charges may apply. Other resources are listed below:

Net Price Calculator

Information on Tuition and Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Information on Summer Tuition

Scholarships and Financial Aid


  • Scholarships:奖学金是根据学业成绩、服务、领导能力和经济需要颁发的. 专业研究学院提供了许多 scholarships and awards specifically for new students.
  • Financial Aid财政援助以赠款和贷款的形式提供,其中一些需要偿还.

决定是否有资格获得财政援助, 尽早提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)以获得最大的考虑. FAFSA is available online at

有关其他奖学金和经济援助的信息, 在线访问学生金融服务办公室


Honorably discharged veterans, active-duty military members, 预备会员和急救人员有资格获得每学分295美元的学费减免,这是由专业研究学院提供的任何本科课程.

  1. 毕业生将能够描述项目管理框架, addressing individual, team and organizational needs.
  2. 毕业生将能够整合领导和管理能力,以影响利益相关者.
  3. 毕业生将能够使用数据来优先考虑项目资源需求.
  4. 毕业生将能够根据规定的可交付成果评估项目进展.
  5. 毕业生将能够在交付项目成功的过程中权衡利弊.

Admission Requirements

  • Completed application
  • 高中毕业证书或综合GED成绩至少2250分
  • Minimum transfer cumulative GPA of 2.5(除非有条件进入)
  • 最近就读机构的正式成绩单
Upon admission, 新生必须成功完成与学术教练的虚拟会议,才能注册第一学期的课程.
职业研究学院欢迎在生活环境中断了他们的教育旅程后寻求本科教育的成人学习者. Adult life circumstances, for the purposes of admission, 将包括至少具有以下特征之一的个人:
  • 延迟接受高等教育
  • 至少在一学年的一部分时间里兼职上课
  • 在校期间全职工作(每周35小时或以上)
  • Is financially independent
  • Has dependents other than a spouse
  • Is a single parent
  • 还有其他需求使得传统教育变得不可行吗

Program Requirements 

University Undergraduate Core32-35
Major Requirements42
PMGT 1010
Fundamentals of Project Management
PMGT 1020
Fundamentals of Contract Management
PMGT 1030
Project Selection and Scope
PMGT 2010
Communication-Stakeholder & Quality Management
PMGT 2020
Project Data Analysis
PMGT 3010
Proposal Management
PMGT 3020
Time, Cost and Risk Management
PMGT 3030
Contract Supplier Administration
PMGT 3040
Project Management Leadership Ethics
PMGT 3050
Government Contracting; FAR & UCC
PMGT 4010
Requirements Analysis
PMGT 4020
Multi-Project Management
PMGT 4030
Project Management Laboratory
PMGT 4800
Project-Contract Management Capstone
General electives43-46
Total Credits120

Continuation Standards

Students must maintain a 2.每门专业课成绩均在C或以上.


指定为关键的课程和里程碑(用 !)必须在列出的学期内完成,以确保及时毕业. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

这个路线图不应该用来代替定期的学术咨询预约. 鼓励所有学生每学期与他们的指导老师/导师见面. 要求,课程的可用性和顺序可能会发生变化.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
Fall 1  
General Elective 3
CORE Requirement 3
Fall 2  
General Elective 3
CORE Requirement 3
Spring 1  
CORE Requirement 3
CORE Requirement 3
Spring 2  
CORE Requirement 3
CORE Requirement 3
General Elective 3
CORE Requirement 3
Year Two
Fall 1  
PMGT 1010 Fundamentals of Project Management 3
CORE Requirement 3
Fall 2  
PMGT 1020 Fundamentals of Contract Management 3
CORE Requirement 3
Spring 1  
PMGT 2010 Communication-Stakeholder & Quality Management 3
CORE Requirement 3
Spring 2  
PMGT 1030 Project Selection and Scope 3
General Elective 3
CORE Requirement 3
CORE Requirement 3
Year Three
Fall 1  
PMGT 2020 Project Data Analysis 3
General Elective 3
Fall 2  
CORE Requirement 3
CORE Requirement 3
Spring 1  
PMGT 3010 Proposal Management 3
General Elective 3
Spring 2  
PMGT 2030 Industry Certification 3
General Elective 3
General Elective 3
General Elective 3
Year Four
Fall 1  
PMGT 3020 Time, Cost and Risk Management 3
PMGT 4010 Requirements Analysis 3
Fall 2  
PMGT 4030 Project Management Laboratory 3
PMGT 4020 Multi-Project Management 3
Spring 1  
PMGT 3030 Contract Supplier Administration 3
PMGT 3040 Project Management Leadership Ethics 3
Spring 2  
PMGT 4800 Project-Contract Management Capstone 3
General Elective 3
General Elective 3
General Elective 3
 Total Credits120