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无论你是在为你在博彩网址大全的第一个作业进行头脑风暴还是把 博彩网址大全的大学写作服务可以为你的论文提供最后的润色 individualized feedback on your writing and composition process.


大学写作服务致力于提高学生的整体素质 writing through one-on-one consultations. We work with students from all 博彩网址大全 colleges and departments on academic and non-academic writing. 写作顾问也可以 对求职信、小组项目、多模式作业提供基于内容的反馈; personal statements, speeches/oral presentations. 

我们的作用是通过提供各种咨询选择来支持您 skills and become a more confident writer. We encourage you to bring in your project 在合成过程中的任何阶段,可以包括但不限于 to:

  • Following assignment or project guidelines
  • Brainstorming and identifying the topic you want to write about
  • Forming research questions and hypotheses 
  • Developing thesis statements and arguments
  • Organizing ideas (structure, topic/closing sentences, transitions, flow)
  • 研究ing and supporting claims with evidence (source/quote integration)
  • Citing and formatting sources properly
  • Improving clarity, word choice and phrasing
  • Identifying recurring grammar and punctuation mistakes
  • Revising drafts and implementing feedback 

We cannot guarantee better grades, we do not proofread or copyedit essays. We 在提供帮助的同时,我们也要确保学生对自己的工作负责并得到发展 作家角色. Our end goal is for students to become self-directed learners. 


学生可以从以下三种方式中选择一种来获得他们的写作反馈:面对面 appointments, online (asynchronous) consultations, Zoom video conferences. 学生 可否透过“申请”下的“学生导览”预约 在Okta的仪表板上. Consultations begin on the hour, typically last for 45 to 50 minutes, are followed by a brief survey. There is a maximum of three appointments 每周. Back-to-back appointments are not permitted.


大学写作服务提供面对面预约,在线(异步) consultations, Zoom video conferences starting Tuesday, Jan. 第一天16 of class) through Tuesday, May 14 (the last day of final exams).

根据博彩网址大全的学术日历,这些服务将无法提供 大学假期期间. 写作中心将关闭:

  • 周五,2月. 9(健康日)
  • Saturday, March 9 through Saturday, March 16 (Spring Break)
  • Thursday, March 28 through Monday, April 1 (Easter Break)

在此期间,所有工作人员都将离开办公室,无法赴约 或审阅提交的文件. 

Spring 2024 Writing Center Summary of Services and Policies (PDF)

If you need help scheduling appointments, check out this 循序渐进的指导 用于使用EAB导航-学生,位于Okta仪表板上的应用程序下. 

如有疑问,请发电子邮件 writing@kuyax.net.


学生可以在Busch学生中心331套房安排面对面的预约; Pius XII Memorial Library, room 320; and Trudy Busch Valentine School of Nursing, 114套房.

如果你在做某门课的作业,我们鼓励你带 the prompt and grading criteria provided by your instructor. 写作项目 不以班级为基础的(论文、期刊投稿、硕士论文、个人论文) 语句等.), you are encouraged to bring any guidelines you have received.

约会通常从讨论环境和听众开始 the project as well as your vision and needs for the finished product. 后固化 目标,你和/或顾问将大声朗读你的工作,讨论更高 和较低层次的关注,制定完成或修改项目的计划.

要安排面对面的预约,请转到EAB导航-学生位于申请下 在Okta仪表板上,并选择您的首选位置来查看顾问的可用性.


Asynchronous appointments will take place remotely. 异步意味着学生 顾问们会在不同的时间通过电子邮件相互交流 而不是亲自开会或参加在线会议.

The first step is to book an appointment. To schedule an asynchronous consultation, 转到位于Okta仪表板上应用程序下的EAB导航-学生. Select “在线(异步)咨询”是查看所有咨询师的首选服务 可用性.

第二步是完成在线提交表格(链接在描述中提供) on the EAB final confirmation page) before your scheduled appointment time. 提交 表格将提供两个指定的附件位置,一个用于上传您的文件 and another to upload an optional related prompt or rubric. 给予是有益的 as much information about the context and purpose of the project as possible. 请 保存和上传文件 .医生或 .多克斯格式.

完成所需步骤后,您应该会收到两封电子邮件确认- one from EAB Navigate - Student and one from the Online Submission Form. 

从你的预约开始,一个有经验的写作顾问就会开始 就如何改进你的项目提出建议,时间大约为4到7分钟 内容页面. This feedback will consist of marginal comments (using Microsoft Word's built-in comment function), a summary, an action plan. 咨询师会 从writing@slu给你发邮件.下午10点.m. 你预约的那天. 下载 更新后的文档到您的计算机,因为您可能不会看到许多边缘注释 互联网浏览器的“查看”功能. 

如果你想在初稿之后得到额外的反馈(或者,如果你想,写作) 咨询师看一份来自不同班级的不相关作业),你将需要 to schedule another appointment and submit a new form. 这两个步骤都必须重复. 指出您希望顾问审阅的适当部分,是否 it is the same section or a new range of pages if it is a longer project. 


Synchronous video consultations will take place in real time using Zoom. 你 写作顾问可以同时查看你的写作项目 by screen sharing, use the in-meeting chat function, make annotations. 这些会议 可以使用台式电脑、笔记本电脑(首选)、平板电脑/智能手机(有限)进行测试吗 功能). To communicate with the writing consultant, your device must have 麦克风可访问性. Webcam accessibility is strongly recommended.

要安排同步视频咨询,请转到EAB导航-学生位置 under Applications 在Okta的仪表板上. Select  "Zoom Video Conference" as the preferred service to see all the consultants’ 可用性.  记得保存链接到 the consultant's personal meeting room on the final confirmation page. 登录Zoom 在您预约与您的顾问会面的日期和时间.

访问 at Any Point in Your Writing Process

在大学写作服务,我们帮助你工作,无论你在写什么 时刻. Even the most 经验d writers find it useful to get feedback on their work throughout the entire creative process.


We can help you work through different drafts of the same assignment. 如果你有计划 提前并在项目过程中多次预约,我们甚至可以提供 更多的帮助. We recommend coming several times a semester. 将你的写作分为 smaller steps improves the final product. If our scheduling software does not allow 如需提前预约,请与学术协调员联系 支持亚历山大·奥卡西奥 亚历克斯.ocasio@kuyax.net.



Peer consulting allows you to voice your priorities, ideas, concerns. 可以是 这是一个在课堂之外大声思考、组织思想和提出问题的时间 设置.

大学写作服务的顾问是兼职工作人员,研究生助理, 而那些接受过不同写作方式训练的大学生 to talk about writing with others in a respectful and productive manner. 我们的顾问 are good listeners as well as good writers.

  • Graduate students work with trained part-time staff and graduate assistants.
  • 本科生与训练有素的兼职工作人员,研究生助理和 本科顾问.

Interested in Becoming a Writing Consultant?

我们的顾问 come from a variety of majors. Consulting is an excellent way to serve 同时获得额外的写作、交流和专业知识 经验.


ENGL 3859 - Writing Consulting Practicum


Teaches students how to run in-person and online writing conferences. 课程包括 分析写作,理解常见的学术和专业写作体裁; and responding to writers using equity-focused strategies. 三种轨迹 学生可以选择如何完成课程:仅通过课程作业; 通过课程学习和服务学习,或者通过课程学习和实习 大学写作服务(UWS). Internship students consult in UWS during the second 学期过半. 学生 on all three tracks who successfully complete the course are eligible to apply for employment at UWS. Counts toward English department concentration in Rhetoric, Writing, Technology.

属性:教育成分 & 修辞学,英语修辞学 & 论证、修辞、写作、 技术,UUC:写作密集型


After completing ENGL 3859, students can apply for a staff position. 大学写作 服务机构通常每学年聘用六到九名新的本科顾问 谁每周工作几个小时.

付费顾问通过与其他员工一起培训来继续他们的专业发展 成员除了研究,反思和撰写理论原则 that influence current writing center practices.